Saturday, December 10, 2005

Jim Love

My uncle Jim has died. I'm a bit in shock. I wasn't kidding myself about the cancer, but I expected he had longer. I lived with Rose & Jim for a few months when I was younger, what were some of the happiest in my life, my first taste of freedom, and my first real exposure to London. That asside, Jim was one of the nicest people I ever met. He was a quiet, pragmatic, loving, intelligent and honest man. His commitment to his family and their future has always inspired me. After my own parents, Rose and Jim are the biggest influence on my life I think.

The funeral is on Thursday. If anyone is going down to Schull or Goleen there's a page with some B&Bs on Myself and Joe and Phil are booked into Heron's Cove. I've rented a car and I'll be going down from Dublin on Wednesday if anyone wants a lift.