This is a personal blog for friends and family. It will contain little or nothing about airlines or travel technology. Instead this blog is about personal news, events and photos. Probably very boring. Not even my Mother reads it!
My Work:
Mark - Why was the flight great? Who did you fly with and what movies were showing? Nice toilet seat, did you try it out? [David]
David - flight was great. Flew Virgin Atlantic. Video on demand, 40+ movies, play when you like, pause/rewind etc. Lots of TV shows (full series 1 of Fr.Ted). 100+ music CDs. Watched batman Begins and War of the Worlds. Didn't even switch on the laptop! Had a bento box for dinner, way cool. - Mark
Forgot to mention.. Of course I tried the toilet, it is in my hotel room, what else am I supposed to do (windows on 34th floor don't open). Anyway, it is great, I want one!
Well done. At least they are great to fly with! I meant the features on the toilet not the toilet itself!
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